Perceive Now - Patent Indexing and Analysis

Perceive Now is a comprehensive patent indexing and analysis platform, leveraging the USPTO public dataset to provide insightful dashboards and a QA chat platform. It indexes patents from the past 30 years, enabling users to gain historical insights on any topic of their choice.

Perceive Now is a multi-level platform that provides a dashboard for insights and a QA chatbot for interactive information extraction. The dashboard presents historical patterns on any topic that the user searches for, while the QA chatbot allows users to interact with all the indexed patents and extract information.

  • Indexing of patents from the past 30 years from the USPTO public dataset.
  • Insightful dashboard depicting historical patterns on user-searched topics.
  • QA chatbot for interactive information extraction from indexed patents.
  • Full end-to-end APIs created for various graphs using serverless, AWS Lambda, Python, Elastic Search, and Postgres.
  • The QA bot utilizes Langchain, Chainlit, GPT-3.5, and Hugging Face embedding model to facilitate the process.

Formally, Perceive Now is a patent indexing and analysis platform designed for comprehensive patent research. Informally, Perceive Now is a tool that allows users to interact with and gain insights from indexed patents.

There was a perception that patent research was a complex and time-consuming process. Not anymore. With Perceive Now, users can easily search for topics and gain historical insights, or interact with the QA chatbot to extract information from the indexed patents. The platform is designed to be user-friendly and requires minimal learning curve.

  • Works anywhere including serverless and edge.
  • Patent indexing and analysis as a service with no backend for users to run.
  • Lightweight, easy to understand, requires nothing to learn.
  • Price scales to zero.

Let's talk about a real world example. A user wants to research the historical patterns of a specific patent topic. They can simply input the topic into the dashboard, and Perceive Now will present a comprehensive graph depicting the historical patterns. The user can also interact with the QA chatbot to extract more specific information from the indexed patents. The chatbot is designed to understand and respond to user queries effectively, providing accurate and relevant information.

With Perceive Now, users can gain insights and extract information from patents with ease. The platform is designed to be user-friendly and efficient, making patent research a breeze.

To learn more about Perceive Now, visit perceivenow.com.